What is Tooth Grinding? Tooth grinding (or bruxism in doctor-speak) is a common behavior among people of all ages. It is when a person involuntarily clenches their jaw or rubs their teeth together. Tooth grinding can occur during the day or night and can affect kids and adults. Some individuals grind their teeth intermittently when…
Bite Optimization
Osteoporosis and Oral Health

If you are a woman, you have probably heard about the high rate of osteoporosis in the country, and the state of Utah is no exception. Did you know that several studies have suggested a connection between osteoporosis and oral health? Osteoporosis can often progress without any outward symptoms. However, at Roy Dental Care we know…
3 Signs TMJ is Causing Your Headaches

Headaches are one of the most common painful disorders. Not only do the cause physical discomfort, but they can also lead to anxiety or depression. If you’re unaware of the root of the problem, headaches can be hard to treat. If you think TMJ may be causing your headaches, Roy Dental Care can help. Here…